From the course: OneNote Quick Tips

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Add additional languages to proof notes

Add additional languages to proof notes - OneNote Tutorial

From the course: OneNote Quick Tips

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Add additional languages to proof notes

- [Narrator] If you work with documents in different languages, additional proofing languages can be set up for editing. To change the proofing language for Office applications, including OneNote, go to the file tab, and then select Options. From the navigation panel, select Language. Go to the office authoring languages and proofing section, and select Add a Language. Locate the language needed, select the language, and then select Add. To make the new language the default, select the language from the list, and then select Set as Preferred. As noted here, this language will take effect the next time that you start the Office applications. It's also noting that some of the custom settings may change, such as your preferred fonts and a blank document template. Do you want to continue? Let's select Yes. Then select Okay. As noted in this popup, these changes will take effect after restarting the OneNote application.…
