From the course: OneNote Quick Tips

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Add sections and grouped sections

Add sections and grouped sections - OneNote Tutorial

From the course: OneNote Quick Tips

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Add sections and grouped sections

- [Instructor] Similar types of notes can easily be organized with sections and grouped sections. To create a new section in a notebook, select the plus sign next to an existing section. A new section appears with the name, new section, and the corresponding sequence number based on how many sections have already been created in this notebook. While this name is highlighted, type a new name and then press enter. To create a group section, right-click over an existing section and then select New Section Group or right-click in an empty area of the section area here and then select New Section Group. While the name of this section group is highlighted, you can type directly over it to name this section group. And then press enter. To move a section within this group section, hover over the section you would like to move, left click, hold, drag and drop it directly over the name of that section group. The section has…
