From the course: OneNote Quick Tips

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Create pages from templates

Create pages from templates - OneNote Tutorial

From the course: OneNote Quick Tips

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Create pages from templates

- [Instructor] Notebook pages can be given structure by inserting prebuilt templates. Start by selecting the Insert tab, then select Page Templates. From the dropdown list, select Page Templates once more. A Templates panel displays to the right with categories. Expand the category that matches the types of notes that you'll be taking, like Planners. There are three templates available. Let's select Prioritized To Do List. A new template page is created in the current section of the notebook. This page will be positioned below all existing pages. Now the page template can be customized with updated titles, a logo, and additional information. At the bottom of the panel, you can save the current page as a template. Let's go ahead and give this a name, then select Save. The template will be listed in a new category titled "My Templates", as it's seen here. Toward the bottom of the Templates panel, you can set a template…
