Learn some effective strategies for engaging with community groups in urban planning projects, such as understanding the context, building trust, and managing…
Learn how to improve your area through participatory and empowering community development projects based on urban planning principles and examples.
Learn how to ace an urban planning interview by showcasing your communication, analytical, creativity, collaboration, and ethical skills.
Learn how to design an effective spatial analysis and mapping system for emergency planning. Discover the factors, tools, and techniques that can help you achieve…
Learn how to keep your passion, purpose, and resilience as an urban planner with these tips on finding your niche, seeking feedback and learning, celebrating your…
Learn six effective ways to ensure spatial data accuracy for urban planning, from data collection to data communication. Improve your spatial analysis and…
Learn six strategies to overcome resistance from stakeholders during the implementation stage of your urban planning projects.
Learn how to use transportation demand management (TDM) strategies to achieve social equity in transportation and improve the quality of life of different groups.
Learn how to achieve equitable development, a process that involves all people in the growth and transformation of their communities, by following six steps to…
Learn some strategies to ensure that smart cities are inclusive and equitable for all residents, such as defining, assessing, co-creating, leveraging, and…
Learn about the role, issues, best practices, examples, and trends of microgrid regulation for urban planning. Find out how to balance benefits and challenges of…
Learn key principles and strategies to design smart city infrastructure that meets the needs of diverse, inclusive, and accessible urban services and solutions.
Learn how to plan and manage your water systems in a resilient and sustainable way. Find tips and examples of adaptive measures for changing environmental…
Learn how to ensure that your Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) covers the effects and contributions of climate change for your urban development project.
Learn how to use four operational planning frameworks to make your urban planning projects more user-friendly: the logical framework, the theory of change, the…
Learn how microgrids can address climate change and reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and what are the strategies and tools for urban planners to facilitate…
Learn about the tools and methods for assessing program implementation success in urban planning, and get some tips and examples to improve your program evaluation.
Learn how to overcome the common challenges of planning, launching, and managing bike-sharing programs in your city.
Learn how to use smart cities to improve your urban quality of life, efficiency, and sustainability, and to attract investment, innovation, and talent.
Learn some ways to improve your spatial visualization and communication skills for urban planning projects, such as knowing your audience, choosing the right visual…
Learn the key considerations for designing streets that are safe, comfortable, and attractive for pedestrians, cyclists, and public transit users.
Learn how to succeed and thrive as a self-employed urban planner with these top practices, such as defining your niche, building your network, and promoting your…
Learn the most common and useful methods and tools to measure the impact and effectiveness of public health interventions, policies, and programs.
Learn how visual communication tools can help urban planners simplify, clarify, engage, include, and support their communication during a crisis.
Learn how to integrate smart city technologies into existing infrastructure and overcome the challenges. Find out how to assess, choose, plan, test, scale, and…
Learn how to assess, plan, coordinate, design, implement, monitor, evaluate, learn, and improve from urban regeneration projects without harming existing…
Learn about some innovative approaches to incorporate climate change adaptation into the environmental impact assessment (EIA) process for urban planning.
Learn how urban planning professionals balance technical and soft skills to work effectively with diverse stakeholders and deliver urban projects.
Learn how to create and communicate your personal brand as an urban planner. Discover tips on defining your niche, creating your portfolio, networking, sharing…
Learn how to create emergency response plans that are inclusive of the diverse needs and perspectives of your communities with these tips for urban planners.
Learn how urban planners can mitigate the negative effects of gentrification and promote more inclusive and equitable urban development.
Learn how spatial decision support systems (SDSS) can help urban planners prevent or mitigate the impacts of natural disasters on urban areas, and what challenges…
Learn how to sustainably develop urban areas by considering six key aspects: environmental, social, economic, institutional, adaptive, and integrative.
Learn how to apply urban design principles to avoid common mistakes that affect the quality and functionality of urban spaces.
Learn how walking, cycling, or using public transit can improve your physical and mental health, social cohesion, and access to urban services and amenities.
Learn some best practices for collecting, analyzing, and incorporating stakeholder feedback in urban planning research, and how it can improve your research…
Learn how to involve youth as key stakeholders and participants in urban regeneration projects, using strategies, examples, and tips from around the world.
Learn how to create attractive, livable, and sustainable urban spaces by applying tips and principles that balance beauty and function.
Learn about the best ways to involve people in urban planning, why it matters, and what benefits it brings for creating livable, sustainable, and inclusive cities.
Learn how urban planning software can help you optimize land use and zoning decisions and create more sustainable, livable, and equitable cities.
Learn how to succeed as an urban planning consultant by following these tips, such as identifying your niche, showcasing your portfolio, communicating effectively…
Learn how urban planning can help cities cope with shocks and stresses, and enhance their resilience and adaptability, in this informative and conversational…
Learn the best ways to lead an urban planning team based on experience and research. Discover how to set goals, collaborate, adapt, support, evaluate, and celebrate…
Learn how to overcome the challenges of mixed-use development, a popular urban planning strategy that combines residential, commercial, and recreational uses in one…
Learn how to generate and refine your research ideas in urban planning with these tips, such as identifying your interests, exploring trends, consulting experts…
Learn some best practices to establish adaptable urban design guidelines that can shape the physical environment of a city and respond to changing contexts, needs…
Learn how to plan, design, implement, evaluate, and improve a public and active transport system that can benefit your urban area and its residents.
Learn how to identify your goals and indicators, engage with stakeholders and users, learn from best practices and benchmarks, and experiment and iterate when…
Learn how to ensure that the environmental impact assessment (EIA) process considers the long-term impacts of urban planning projects, using best practices and…
Learn how to identify, communicate, involve, manage, align, and adapt to your stakeholders for microgrid implementation in urban areas.
Learn how urban planners can measure, reduce, and adapt to noise pollution in urban areas, and how they can improve public health by creating quieter and healthier…
Learn how to use GIS tools to collect, analyze, visualize, and share spatial data for urban ecology planning and decision making.
Learn how to design and implement a sustainable and socially responsible microgrid project that balances environmental benefits and costs.
Learn how to communicate and demonstrate the value of urban ecology to decision-makers in urban planning and policy-making, using tips and examples.
Learn how bike-sharing programs can help you reduce your carbon footprint and improve your health, and what are some of the tips and issues of using them.
Learn how urban planners can rethink waste management, from prevention and reduction to reuse and recycling, and from technology and design to policy and education.
Learn how to design and manage urban environments that respect and value the diversity of communities, and promote their rights, opportunities, and well-being.
Learn the steps to evaluate and manage the cultural, social, and economic value of urban heritage assets for conservation and management.
Learn how to communicate the value of your urban planning work to your clients, from defining your scope and objectives to delivering on time and budget.
Learn about the most common and influential urban design concepts that guide the practice and decisions of urban planners. They include form and function, density…
Learn how to prepare for the emerging trends and challenges in urban social justice as an urban planner, and improve your planning processes and outcomes.
Learn how data and mapping, participatory planning, scenario planning, green infrastructure, adaptive management, and co-benefits analysis can help urban planners…
Learn how urban planners can balance the demands of economic development and environmental sustainability in their cities and regions, and what tools and strategies…
Learn about the key methods and indicators for measuring and reporting on urban climate resilience, a crucial aspect of urban planning.
Learn some of the ways to introduce urban planning concepts, methods, and tools to the public, using various formats, examples, and activities.
Discover how to learn from other cities' urban heritage conservation practices and apply them to your own context. Find out how to assess, research, visit, analyze,…
Learn how to evaluate community needs for your urban planning project, and why it is important to do so. Discover tips and methods to collect, analyze, and apply…
Learn some of the key steps and principles to follow when conducting urban planning participation processes and outcomes to enhance their quality and credibility.
Learn how to reduce water usage in urban areas with these six tips, from water-efficient habits to water reuse and recycling. Save water and money in your urban…
Learn how to adapt and mitigate climate change in your city with these urban planning tips and examples.
Learn how to choose the best urban planning program for your career goals. Find out what factors to consider, such as the curriculum, the faculty, the cost, and the…
Learn some ways to get involved and influence urban planning decisions that affect your life and environment, based on some principles and examples.
Learn how to improve your communication skills and build trust with your stakeholders as an urban planning communicator. Find out how to use evidence, logic…
Learn how urban planners can use storytelling to communicate, engage, and create better urban scenarios for places and people.
Learn how to mentor new users of urban planning software effectively and efficiently. This article covers how to assess their needs, demonstrate and explain the…
Learn how urban planners can help communities rebuild and recover from disasters in a sustainable and resilient way. Discover six best practices for post-disaster…
Learn about the main differences between the rational and the communicative approaches to urban planning, and their advantages, disadvantages, and implications.
Learn how to improve community engagement in housing policy and create more inclusive, responsive, and sustainable solutions with these tips and examples.
Learn about polycentric urban planning, an approach that creates multiple sub-centers within a city. Discover its advantages and difficulties, and some examples.
Learn how to use citizen science to monitor, assess, and enhance urban biodiversity in your community, and discover the challenges and opportunities of this…
Learn how to plan and manage tourism in cities that respects and benefits the environment, the culture, and the well-being of the local communities.
Learn how to foster a culture of reflexivity and accountability in your urban social justice practice, by defining your goals, engaging with stakeholders…
Learn how to enhance your resilience and adaptability as an urban planner by embracing uncertainty, managing complexity, learning from feedback, building networks…
Learn how to assess, engage, design, adapt, and learn from urban ecological restoration projects that can improve urban ecosystems and human well-being.
Learn how to manage data effectively and responsibly in smart city projects. Discover data goals, standards, security, engagement, collaboration, and impact.
Learn about four key themes of urban mobility and transportation: smart mobility, active mobility, inclusive mobility, and sustainable mobility.
Learn how urban growth boundaries can impact land use, transportation, housing, and climate change in positive and negative ways.
Learn from four examples of urban planning that support the UN Sustainable Development Goals and how they can inspire other cities and regions.
Learn how urban growth boundaries work, what impacts they have, and how they relate to other planning tools and policies.
Learn about the trends and innovations in urban planning for education, and how they can improve the quality of life and learning for urban residents.
Learn how to use network analysis, spatial interaction models, spatial accessibility indices, spatial statistics and machine learning, and geovisualization and web…
Learn about the benefits and challenges of integrating education facilities in mixed-use developments, as well as some best practices and examples.
Learn a four-step process to conduct a stakeholder analysis and management plan for your urban planning project.
Learn about the benefits and drawbacks of mixed-income housing for urban poverty and crime reduction, based on urban planning examples and best practices.
Learn how to incorporate equity and inclusion in urban economic impact assessment (EIA), a tool that measures the economic effects of urban development projects…
Learn how urban planners can promote water literacy and awareness among urban residents and decision-makers with strategies and examples.
Learn how to engage diverse stakeholders in food hub development and governance. Discover the best practices for identifying, communicating, involving, recognizing,…
Learn six steps that urban planners use to monitor and measure the outcomes and effectiveness of housing policies and programs in this informative article.
Learn about the benefits, challenges, principles, and criteria for designing mixed-use developments that balance various land uses and users.
Learn how data, sensors, networks, and platforms can enhance public safety and resilience in smart cities. Explore security and privacy challenges and future trends.