Learn how to manage stress and prevent burnout while working with physicians. Discover tips for setting boundaries, practicing self-care, and more.
Learn some of the best retention strategies for physicians in CHCs, such as compensation, culture, workload, engagement, mission, and career.
Learn how to prevent physician turnover when working with physicians, using clear communication, support, recognition, involvement, culture, and issue resolution.
Learn how to improve your organization's reputation with physicians and foster a positive and productive relationship. Find out the strategies and benefits of doing…
Learn six evidence-based advocacy practices that can help you use technology to communicate and collaborate more effectively with physicians.
Learn how to use screen sharing to collaborate with physicians effectively. Discover the best tools, practices, and tips to make your screen sharing sessions more…
Learn how to document patient care effectively when working with physicians, and enhance your professional competence and confidence.
Learn how to ensure informed consent from non-English speaking patients by translating patient consent forms properly and effectively.
Learn six steps to develop empathy for your physician customers' unique experiences, and how to use it to improve your sales and service skills.
Learn communication strategies and best practices to share patient satisfaction scores with physicians in a way that motivates them to improve.
Learn how to access your medical records from your health care provider, and how to review, correct, and use them for your own benefit and care.
Learn how to work with physicians and other health professionals in a collaborative and coordinated way to improve patient outcomes with these six strategies.
Learn how to prevent unconscious bias in healthcare and improve the quality of care, communication, and trust with patients and colleagues.
Learn how to get enough sleep and avoid burnout as a physician. This article explains why sleep matters, how much sleep you need, and how to improve your sleep…
Learn how to express your preferences and needs to your doctor effectively and respectfully. Find out how to prepare, ask questions, negotiate, and follow up.
Learn how to collect, analyze, act on, and share patient feedback for gastrointestinal diseases and improve the quality and satisfaction of care.
Learn how to improve physician engagement and retention in a remote work environment with these five tips. Keep your physicians motivated, connected, and productive…
Learn some tips to communicate effectively with physicians who have different volume or tone levels. Improve your active listening and understanding skills.
Learn how a patient advocacy group can help you communicate effectively with your physician, access resources, and advocate for your needs.
Learn how to handle patient consent forms correctly and confidently by avoiding these six common mistakes when working with physicians.
Learn five strategies to support physicians experiencing burnout and improve patient care, teamwork, and well-being.
Learn how to help your colleagues prevent and cope with burnout, improve well-being, and enhance performance by prioritizing self-care.
Learn some effective strategies for evaluating quality improvement initiatives with physicians, such as defining goals, choosing methods, involving stakeholders…
Learn how to optimize your time and efforts when building physician referral networks. Discover six tips to help you grow your practice and provide quality care.
Learn about four common types of physician compensation models, their pros and cons, and how they can improve or harm your patient outcomes.
Learn how physicians can use data analytics to detect, prevent, and reduce medication errors using various data sources, techniques, tools, and best practices.
Learn how to prevent or cope with burnout, compassion fatigue, and moral distress as a physician. Discover tips and strategies to practice self-care, empathy…
Learn how to build a strong relationship with physicians by following these tips on trust, communication, goals, learning, support, and fun.
Learn the best strategies for balancing patient and physician needs in collaborative care, such as communication, feedback, and self-care.
Learn how to market your freelance services to physicians in the working with physicians industry with these six tips and strategies.
Learn six effective strategies for evaluating and improving patient outcomes in telehealth, based on best practices and recommendations from experts and…
Learn some effective negotiation strategies for physicians from cultures that value hierarchy and authority, such as respect, understanding, adaptation, options…
Learn how to present a fair and attractive offer that aligns with the market value, the physician's expectations, and the organization's budget.
Learn how to prevent or reduce burnout by setting realistic expectations for yourself as a physician. Find out how to align your actions with your values and goals,…
Learn how to define your niche, build your network, manage your finances, stay updated, set boundaries, and seek feedback as a self-employed consultant for…
Learn some practical tips to communicate, respect, and coordinate with physicians effectively, and improve your time management skills.
Learn some strategies and best practices to design and implement a competitive and fair physician compensation model that works for your organization and your…
Learn some best practices for networking with other physicians and experts without compromising your privacy and confidentiality.
Learn how to stand out, communicate effectively, and create lasting connections with physicians in your health care career. Discover tips to build your professional…
Learn what active listening skills are essential for working with physicians and how to apply them in different scenarios to improve communication and collaboration.
Learn how to apply active listening techniques in your physician referral process, and how they can benefit your practice and your patients.
Learn how to use a reliable system, follow the best practices, communicate with the physicians, and more to securely enter patient data.
Learn the best strategies for managing healthcare in a digital age, focusing on the skills and practices that can help you work effectively with physicians and…
Learn how to communicate effectively and respectfully with physicians who lack empathy or bedside manner, and how to protect your well-being and the quality of care.
Learn how to evaluate patient outcomes and how it can improve your clinical practice, communication with physicians, and empowerment of your patients.
Learn how to ensure the care team is aware of patient social determinants of health (SDOH), and how to collaborate with physicians on addressing them.
Learn best practices to measure and improve the performance, satisfaction, and engagement of your physicians, and ensure high-quality care for your patients.
Learn how to deal with physicians who do not follow patient care standards as a healthcare manager. Discover strategies to communicate, coach, correct, and prevent…
Learn some practical strategies to cope and thrive in a high-stress work environment with physicians, such as self-care, positive habits, and social support.
Learn some practical ways to demonstrate empathy when working with patients from different cultures, and how it can improve your patient care.
Learn five tips to effectively follow up with a physician and advance your career with referrals or sales.
Learn how to navigate cross-cultural conflict management with African physicians by respecting their authority, learning about their culture, communicating clearly…
Learn some ways to address patient financial concerns when working with physicians, such as communication, education, collaboration, and documentation.
Learn some practical tips on how to prioritize tasks in your healthcare work to avoid burnout and improve your productivity and well-being.
Learn how to overcome the common challenges of telemedicine and establish a trusting relationship with your patients using these tips.
Learn how to prepare, deliver, and improve your presentations as a patient advocate. Find out how to communicate effectively with various audiences.
Learn four steps to handle conflict with a physician in front of others in a respectful and professional way. Improve your communication, relationship, and skills.
Learn how to communicate, prioritize, set boundaries, build rapport, and learn from your experiences when working with multiple physicians.
Learn how to improve the timeliness and quality of your consultation reports with these 6 evidence-based strategies for effective communication and coordination.
Learn how to access, integrate, analyze, govern, communicate, and use patient data effectively and appropriately with these six practical tips and strategies.
Learn how to coach physicians to adopt a growth mindset that can improve their skills, performance, and satisfaction. Find out the benefits, tips, and strategies of…
Learn six steps to measure the impact of improved physician communication on patient outcomes, and discover methods and tools to assess and enhance your…
Learn how to communicate effectively as a physician during a crisis. Discover tips to be prepared, clear, empathetic, honest, collaborative, and resilient.
Learn how to deal with angry physicians in a professional and respectful way. Discover tips and strategies to communicate, resolve, and learn from conflict.
Learn how to enhance your empathic communication skills with physicians and patients by overcoming barriers such as stress, burnout, bias, and emotional exhaustion.
Learn how to educate your patients on their privacy rights and how to protect their health information with these tips for healthcare professionals.
Learn how to balance empathy and objectivity in clinical practice with these tips, such as defining your goals, listening actively, and using evidence-based tools.
Learn how to communicate effectively and resolve conflicts with physicians who have different opinions, expectations, or styles than you.
Learn how to collaborate with physicians to provide evidence-based strategies for eating disorders, such as assessment, diagnosis, medication, and recovery.
Learn some best practices for maintaining privacy and confidentiality of patient information when working with physicians and other professionals in a…
Learn six tips to help you meet deadlines, balance tasks, and communicate effectively when working with physicians.
Learn how to work with physicians effectively and respectfully. Discover tips on listening, communicating, appreciating, seeking feedback, sharing information, and…
Learn six practical tips and strategies to foster a culture that embraces data-driven decision making and innovation among your physicians and staff.
Learn how to use audit trails, role-based access control, data encryption, biometric authentication, and feedback mechanisms to monitor physician access to patient…
Learn some effective ways to stand out from the crowd and build trust and rapport with physicians in various fields, such as healthcare, sales, consulting, or…
Learn some ways to create an inclusive culture in your physician's office, based on the principles of diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI).
Learn how to explain the value, use simple language, demonstrate the tools, address the barriers, and foster a culture of learning to simplify health informatics…
Learn how to cope with change and maintain your well-being and performance in your work with physicians. Discover tips on how to develop resilience and embrace new…
Learn some of the keys to working effectively with physicians in palliative care, such as communication, collaboration, learning, appreciation, and feedback.
Learn how to provide holistic care that addresses your patients' physical, emotional, and social needs, and how to collaborate effectively with physicians and other…
Learn how to balance documentation with a heavy workload in healthcare. Follow these tips to plan, use technology, communicate, delegate, and review your…
Learn how to prepare, communicate, and support patients who have communication difficulties due to language, hearing, cognitive, or speech problems.
Learn how to use resilience to deal with four common scenarios that can strain your interactions with physicians, and enhance your emotional intelligence…
Learn some best practices for working with physicians in healthcare. Improve your communication, collaboration, and professionalism.
Learn how to measure and communicate your advocacy outcomes and impact to your stakeholders, including physicians, in this article.
Learn how to build trust, establish consent, communicate clearly, and collaborate with colleagues when sharing patient information in telemedicine.
Learn what steps to take if you suspect a confidentiality breach in healthcare. Protect your patients, your organization, and yourself from the consequences.
Learn how having a mentor in your field can help you improve your skills, access more opportunities, learn from their wisdom, and receive support and advice.
Learn the best practices to protect patient privacy in women's health, such as HIPAA compliance, secure communication, and patient rights.
Learn how to empathize, communicate, involve, support, respect, and seek help when dealing with physicians who resist or reject changes in healthcare.
Learn some effective ways to ensure privacy and confidentiality for minors in the health field, such as knowing the legal framework, communicating clearly, and…
Learn how to measure and improve your empathy skills with empathy assessment tools, and how to use them to enhance your communication and relationship skills with…
Learn how to communicate the benefits, address the concerns, and demonstrate the value of health informatics tools to physicians and overcome their resistance to…
Learn the legal, ethical, and communication consequences of not obtaining consent from a patient's healthcare proxy and how to avoid them.
Learn some strategies and best practices for improving your team skills as a physician, such as self-assessment, experiential learning, mentorship…
Learn some of the best ways to use medical terminology in your communication, accuracy, and credibility when working with physicians.
Learn the most effective ways to teach telemedicine patient information sharing to other physicians, including the tools, platforms, content, and strategies that…
Learn how to communicate and document patient information accurately and securely during telemedicine. Follow these six tips and best practices for sharing patient…
Learn some strategies to overcome the barriers and foster a culture of evidence-based practice (EBP) among physicians in your workplace. EBP can improve patient…
Learn how to correct errors or omissions in your medical records, and what to expect from the amendment process. Find out how to work with your physician and…