Learn how to build and promote your personal brand as a Business Development professional in six steps. Discover how to identify your niche, define your goals…
Learn how to become a more effective and strategic business development professional by following these tips on aligning, developing, leveraging, creating…
Learn how to use the foot-in-the-door technique, a persuasion strategy that involves making a small request to your prospect, and then a larger one, to increase…
Learn effective networking strategies for business development. Discover how to break the ice, find common ground, and build trust with anyone you meet.
Learn how to identify, address, and overcome the most common objections from readers in your proposals and persuade them to take action with these tips.
Learn how to test your new business concept using lean canvas, surveys, landing pages, prototypes, and experiments. Validate your assumptions, refine your value…
Learn how to write a proposal that is clear, accurate, and persuasive for business development. Discover tips and best practices to avoid mistakes and win clients.
Learn what are the common mistakes to avoid when forming a partnership, and how to prevent them from sabotaging your business growth and success.
Learn how to communicate bad news to clients clearly and honestly, while maintaining their trust and satisfaction. Find out how to offer solutions and alternatives,…
Learn how to stand out from the competition and convince your potential clients that you are the best choice for their needs with these tips on proposal…
Learn how to avoid costly and avoidable mistakes when entering a new market. Discover how to research, position, adapt, plan, and support your new market entry.
Learn how to use personal branding to attract and retain top talent for your concept development team. Concept development is the process of generating, testing…
Learn the most effective strategies for creating a distinctive and memorable brand identity, delivering value and quality, and engaging with your customers.
Learn how to leverage your network to identify and approach potential partners for your business development. Discover tips and strategies to define, map, analyze…
Learn how to align your partner's marketing and branding with your own to create a successful and mutually beneficial partnership. Find out the best practices and…
Learn what to expect, how to showcase your value, and how to avoid common mistakes in a business development job interview.
Learn some innovative ways to differentiate your proposal from competitors and increase your chances of winning the deal. Show value, use storytelling, customize…
Learn some effective tips to cope with a challenging manager in business development, and boost your resilience, performance, and well-being.
Discover some of the best market research tools for small businesses, and how they can help you with surveys, analytics, keywords, social listening, competitive…
Learn why business development is not the same as sales, not only for extroverts, not easy and glamorous, not only for experienced professionals, and not a…
Learn how to communicate project setbacks in business development with honesty, transparency, positivity, and collaboration.
Learn how to use agile, design thinking, lean startup, scrum, and kanban to design projects that deliver value, solve problems, and adapt to change.
Learn the steps to rank your prospects and boost your conversions with a sales lead scoring strategy that matches your business goals and customer profile.
Learn how to negotiate a deal with a larger company as a startup. Discover tips on value proposition, research, BATNA, strategy, and skills.
Learn some strategies to cope with the stress and demands of business development without burning out or losing motivation. Manage your time, energy, and emotions…
Learn how to craft and communicate your value proposition in a consistent way across all your marketing channels, from your website and social media to your email…
Learn how to build rapport and trust with your stakeholders in the face of change. Discover tips on how to communicate, involve, empower, recognize, and adapt to…
Learn how to make your proposals easy to read and understand with these tips on structure, language, and proofreading.
Learn how to identify, communicate, improve, and avoid common pitfalls of your BATNA, or best alternative to a negotiated agreement, in different startup…
Learn how to use self-awareness to craft a unique and compelling value proposition that sets you apart from your competitors in business development.
Learn how to balance proposal requirements and evaluation criteria to create a winning proposal for your potential client. Follow these six tips to impress and…
Learn how to adjust your proposal length according to your purpose, audience, competition, format, and feedback. Follow these tips and guidelines to write clear…
Learn how to segment and target your stakeholders based on their interest and power in your projects, and prioritize your projects accordingly.
Learn what emotional appeals are, why they work, and how to apply them in different scenarios to increase employee engagement and productivity.
Learn the best practices and methods for determining the optimal price for your proposal, based on your costs, value, market, strategy, testing, and negotiation.
Learn how to use customer feedback, segments, validation, discovery, creation, and building to measure your customer development success in this article.
Learn how a skilled networker can help your business development team create and expand relationships, generate leads, close sales, and grow your business.
Learn how to give and receive effective feedback in negotiation, and use it to improve your business development skills and outcomes.
Learn how to implement peer-to-peer learning and development for your partners to enhance their skills, collaboration, and innovation.
Learn how to use proposal writing to win new clients, projects, and contracts in business development. Follow these six tips to create proposals that showcase your…
Learn some of the best ways to monitor project progress in business development, and how they can help you achieve your goals and objectives.
Learn how to craft a proposal that showcases your thought leadership and wins more clients. Discover tips on identifying pain points, providing insights, using…
Learn some best practices for integrating technology into your partnerships, such as choosing the right tools, implementing them smoothly, and leveraging them…
Learn how to identify, document, communicate, engage, and apply the learnings from your Business Development projects, and how to foster a learning culture.
Learn five tips to build rapport with a new colleague, client, or partner. Rapport is the foundation of trust, collaboration, and influence for business development.
Learn how to find your ideal BD specialization by assessing your skills, researching the market, and aligning your goals.
Learn some of the most effective ways to develop your partner learning and development programs, based on best practices and expert insights.
Learn the best practices and tools to identify, assess, prioritize, mitigate, and monitor project risks as a business development project manager.
Learn how to tailor your proposal to B2B and B2C clients by following four tips: know your audience, highlight your value proposition, address their objections, and…
Learn some of the best ways to innovate for a more diverse and inclusive business ecosystem, and how they can benefit your organization and your customers.
Learn how to apply the psychological principle of scarcity to your business development strategy and motivate your prospects, leads, and customers to take action…
Learn how to craft a persuasive and compelling case for your technology proposals and convince your stakeholders, clients, or partners to support your technology…
Learn how to build and maintain strong, productive, and mutually beneficial partnerships in a remote work environment with these tips and best practices.
Learn how to support your partners' learning and development with these best practices. Enhance your value proposition, customer satisfaction, and long-term…
Learn the key considerations for selecting an innovation management tool that supports your innovation process and goals.
Learn how to apply four language techniques that can help you create a sense of excitement and possibility in your proposal and win more business.
Learn how to design and implement a balanced and flexible partnership performance measurement system that can capture both short-term and long-term outcomes and…
Learn how to develop your network and partnerships to enhance your concept development process and create more innovative and valuable solutions.
Learn how to use formatting to make your proposal more readable, engaging, persuasive, and memorable. Follow these tips to use headings, bullet points, tables…
Learn about some innovative ways to use technology for partnership scaling in business development, such as automating workflows, leveraging platforms…
Learn how to develop the skills and competencies of your team members and foster a culture of growth and innovation to support business expansion.
Learn some practical tips to cope with the challenges and enjoy the benefits of traveling for work in business development.
Learn how to balance the need for a good outcome with maintaining a good relationship during negotiations in business development. Discover tips to negotiate with…
Learn how to define, monitor, and manage your scope in market research projects and prevent scope creep from affecting your quality, budget, and timeline.
Learn six tips to verify a partner's reputation before collaborating, from online reviews to background checks. Find the right fit for your business goals and…
Learn how to plan and manage your partnerships to scale your business effectively. Discover tips on defining objectives, choosing partners, negotiating terms…
Learn how to evaluate your business development projects effectively and avoid costly mistakes, conflicts, or missed opportunities.
Learn how to create a business development strategy that engages your employees and improves your performance, retention, and satisfaction.
Learn some effective ways to measure partnership performance in complex environments, based on best practices and examples from different sectors.
Learn how to use data and analytics to build a proposal that stands out. Follow six steps to show your value, solve the problem, and persuade the client.
Learn the best strategies for building relationships with remote clients in business development. Discover how to use video, social media, messages, feedback…
Learn some effective strategies to manage conflicts and foster collaboration and creativity in your partnership innovation and co-creation initiatives.
Learn how to use hybrid project management, a flexible and adaptable approach that combines different project management methods, to optimize your business…
Learn about the new business development trends that can help you create and grow value for your organization and your customers, such as digital transformation…
Learn how to develop trust, rapport, and value with your client after winning their proposal. Follow these tips to ensure repeat business and satisfaction.
Learn how to communicate clearly, respectfully, and confidently across different languages and cultures with these six steps for business development.
Learn six tips to communicate and collaborate with virtual partners for business development, such as choosing the right tools, setting clear expectations, and…
Learn the most effective research methods for proposal writing, and how to use them to create persuasive and compelling proposals for your clients.
Learn how to identify, communicate, negotiate, monitor, seek help, and review your risk preferences and concerns with your business partner.
Learn how to use customer journey mapping and service design to create a personalized value proposition that resonates with your target audience and gives you a…
Learn about the best tools and platforms for business development in 2021, covering CRM systems, email marketing tools, social media platforms, webinar platforms…
Learn how to balance project evaluation and agility for business development (BD) success. Discover tips on defining goals, choosing methods, incorporating…
Learn how to balance deadlines and quality in your business development projects with these six tips. Plan, communicate, delegate, focus, review, and celebrate your…
Learn the best ways to test and prove your product or service idea before you invest time and money into development.
Learn how to identify, assess, and mitigate the risks that could impact your project's success and communicate them effectively to your potential client.
Learn how to create and manage cross-sector partnerships that can increase your innovation, access, reputation, and social impact.
Learn the key elements of an innovation management framework and how they can benefit your business development. Discover how to plan, execute, and measure your…
Learn how to overcome the common challenges of resource development and find creative and cost-effective solutions for your organization.
Learn how to use market research to find the best leads for your business. Discover tips and methods to define, segment, and communicate with your target market.
Learn the best ways to collaborate with partners and suppliers in your proposal to create a stronger value proposition and increase your chances of winning the bid.
Learn how to manage multiple proposals effectively with these tips and tricks. Discover how to use a proposal management software, plan your strategy, write your…
Learn some effective ways to build rapport, trust, and loyalty with your niche market clients and grow your business.
Learn how to identify, adjust, and respect personality differences and build rapport and trust with anyone in business development.
Learn how to stay on top of the latest trends, best practices, and opportunities in your business development field with these tips and strategies.
Learn how to find, negotiate, and close innovation deals that can enhance your value proposition, reduce your costs, or increase your speed to market.
Learn some tips on how to manage multiple projects with different deadlines as a business development professional. Improve your quality, efficiency, and…
Learn about the key metrics and best practices to evaluate and improve your partner relationship management (PRM) strategy and your partner outcomes.
Learn how to master strategic thinking, communication skills, project management skills, analytical skills, and emotional intelligence as a BD project manager.
Learn about the latest and most innovative tools for business development that can help you streamline your workflows, optimize your strategies, and measure your…
Learn six steps to write a proposal that is timely, clear, and feasible. Avoid common pitfalls and communicate your value proposition.