From the course: OneNote Quick Tips

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Password-protect a notebook

Password-protect a notebook - OneNote Tutorial

From the course: OneNote Quick Tips

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Password-protect a notebook

- [Instructor] Sometimes, notes in a shared notebook are not meant for everyone to see. That's where a password can help. Each section of a notebook can be password protected. To password protect the section, right click over the section tab and then select Password Protect This Section. Within the Password Protection panel, select Set Password. Enter the password that you would like to use, and then enter it once more to confirm it, then select OK. To lock password protected sections, you can select lock all from the panel here to the right, or you can use the keyboard shortcut, CTRL+ALT+L to lock all sections. Let's go ahead and lock it. When a section is password protected and the section tab is selected like it is here, the contents will not display until you click on the page area or press Enter and then type in the password. (keyboard taps) A couple things to note. You may not be able to view password protected…
