From the course: Presenting to Senior Executives [FACELIFT FY24]

Presenting to senior executives

From the course: Presenting to Senior Executives [FACELIFT FY24]

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Presenting to senior executives

- Just imagine, you've been asked to present to the senior executives, also known as the C-suite of your company. You're excited and you're nervous. This is a great opportunity. You need to be ready to capitalize on the moment. If you do this right, your opportune face time in front of these highly influential decision makers can reinforce your professional credibility and even elevate you to the next stage in your career. My name is Tatiana Kolovou. I'm a faculty member in business communication in one of the leading U.S. business schools. I've taught hundreds of MBA students, and executives, the skills I will present in this course. You will learn what has to happen before you present, the essentials of the presentation, and the key elements of the followup. You'll also learn how to prepare for and deal with sticky situations you're likely to face along the way. Take for example, Melina. For the past three years, she has worked as an account manager for a major marketing firm. She meets with clients, she runs projects, and works on the front-line of the operation. But when she's assigned to make a presentation to the C-suite, she will no longer merely be a name on the company directory. This will be Melina's opportunity to create rapport with the C-suite, to establish her brand as a contributor to the company, and raise her profile. If Melina does everything right, she can showcase her research and idea generation skills to the people who matter most in the organization. So, getting exposure in front of the senior executives will matter for your career. This course will help you develop the skills to get there. Join me in lining up the essential tools you will need.
