Teamlink - Overview

Last updated: 2 years ago

Customers who have a Sales Navigator Advanced or Advanced Plus account also have access to TeamLink, which is a tool that allows you to view your team's connections.

TeamLink utilizes the power of your entire team's network to help you find the best path to a lead by showing you Sales Navigator license holders on your team account who are 1st-degree connections to the lead, even if you're not connected to your teammate. With this information, you can easily see who can help you connect with potential leads and make a warm introduction.

Here's a tip

Your teammates will have the same access to your connections.

By default, TeamLink is enabled in the Settings menu located below your profile picture dropdown. Learn more about how to manage your TeamLink settings in Sales Navigator

Sales Navigator Advanced and Sales Navigator Advanced Plus accounts also have access to TeamLink Groups, or cross-contract TeamLink, which allows you to connect multiple contracts and significantly expand the pool of quality leads. If you'd like to leverage the connections of people in your organization by inviting them to TeamLink but they don't require other Sales Navigator capabilities, you can assign them TeamLink Extend seats.