From the course: OneNote Quick Tips

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Translate the language of notes

Translate the language of notes - OneNote Tutorial

From the course: OneNote Quick Tips

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Translate the language of notes

- [Instructor] Notes can be translated from one language to another within a OneNote notebook. Start by selecting the text that needs to be translated. Then go to the Review ribbon and select Translate. Select Translate Selected Text. If this is the first time that you are working with the translator feature, information will display in the translator panel to the right, letting you know that the data is being sent to the Microsoft Translator service for translation. You will need to select the got it button to proceed with using this feature. The selected text appears in the top box here with the language auto-detected. If this is not the correct source language, select the arrow and then select a language from the list. The English translation is listed in the box below. The translated text can be inserted as a note by positioning the cursor on a page where you want it to be. Let's go ahead and do that right over here.…
