What are some effective ways to engage providers in care coordination?
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Care coordination is a key component of effective case management, as it helps ensure that clients receive timely, appropriate, and quality services from multiple providers. However, engaging providers in care coordination can be challenging, especially when they have different perspectives, workflows, and incentives. Here are some effective ways to overcome these barriers and foster collaboration among providers.
The first step to engaging providers in care coordination is to build trust and rapport with them. This means being respectful, responsive, and reliable in your communication and interaction. You should also demonstrate your knowledge and competence in case management, and show how you can add value to their work. For example, you can offer to help with referrals, documentation, or follow-up tasks. By establishing trust and rapport, you can create a positive and professional relationship with providers, and increase their willingness to cooperate and share information.
Tiago Alves
CEO Brazil @ Regus & Spaces / Brand Ambassator - Audi / Forbes live Anchor / Book: Neither Home Nor Office
O cuidado que vem em um relacionamento, pessoal ou profissional, sempre deve ser uma balança positiva entre uma distância segura para manter a individualidade da outra parte, mas uma proximidade que possibilidade atitudes de zelo benéficas que demonstrem interesse, preocupação e cuidado.
Regina Helena M.
Orientação ao propósito do meu cliente - Gestora de Conflitos, Mediadora , KCP/KMP/CXP
Aqui a palavra é RESPEITO. Respeitar todas as pessoas, prazos e atividades relacionadas ao cuidado, geram confiança. Confiança gera relacionamento, e esse é um movimento totalmente cíclico.
Dr.Ravindran packirisamy
Head of Department @ Indian Red Cross Society | Medical Officer
Care providers should have good administative, timely , quality with consistency of thier work .Moreover the providers should provide well coordinatively, active participate in their work.
The second step to engaging providers in care coordination is to understand their needs and challenges. This means asking open-ended questions, listening actively, and acknowledging their concerns. You should also seek to learn about their roles, goals, and preferences, and how they fit into the broader service delivery system. By understanding their needs and challenges, you can identify gaps, overlaps, and opportunities for improvement in the care process, and tailor your interventions accordingly.
Dr. Aderonke Adejuyigbe
Medicaid Waiver Federal Program Manager/HCBS Waiver Federal Compliance Expert/State CMS Payment Error Rate Measurement (PERM) Liaison/Preadmission Screening and Resident Review (PASRR)Specialist
Certainly! For example, when healthcare organizations take the time to understand providers' challenges and concerns, like those of physicians and nurses, they can customize their coordination strategies. This tailored approach enhances collaboration, making healthcare delivery more effective and patient-focused, ultimately improving the overall patient experience.
Fernanda Bigolin
Healthcare Interoperability Architect | PhD, Information Systems and Technologies | High Reliability Organization (HRO) | Organizational Mindfulness
Absolutely! Listening carefully to professionals, regardless of their hierarchical level, creates R, strengthens engagement. In addition, it is a great opportunity to come up with new ideas and contribute to the desired results.
Tiago Alves
CEO Brazil @ Regus & Spaces / Brand Ambassator - Audi / Forbes live Anchor / Book: Neither Home Nor Office
Em ambientes corporativos, o zelo e o cuidado também aparecem de outras formas quando a liderança entende que pessoas precisam de níveis de cuidados diferentes, alguns demandam mais outros menos, algum precisam de cuidado intenso. Isso faz parte de um ambiente seguro, diverso e acolhedor. Liderar é não igualar a todos na mesma régua, mas medir as pessoas nos limites das suas diferenças e necessidades.
The third step to engaging providers in care coordination is to align your goals and expectations with them. This means clarifying the purpose, scope, and outcomes of care coordination, and how it benefits both the clients and the providers. You should also discuss the roles and responsibilities of each provider, and the frequency and mode of communication and collaboration. By aligning your goals and expectations, you can create a shared vision and a common language for care coordination, and avoid confusion and conflict.
Tiago Alves
CEO Brazil @ Regus & Spaces / Brand Ambassator - Audi / Forbes live Anchor / Book: Neither Home Nor Office
Algo que me ajudou bastante alinhando objetivos e expectativas com minha equipe foi a comunicação constante 360. Toda semana, um alinhamento geral onde todas as áreas expõem suas necessidades e desafios, além dos sucessos recentes. Dessa forma, principalmente entre a liderança, é criado um senso de responsabilidade comum entre todos os desafios da empresa no curto prazo, e em uma periodicidade maior, no longo prazo. A liderança tem papel chave no cuidado e na forma de comunicação, e quando estão alinhados, evita a confusão e conflito para os níveis seguintes;
The fourth step to engaging providers in care coordination is to provide feedback and recognition to them. This means sharing relevant and timely information, such as client progress, service updates, or best practices. You should also express appreciation and gratitude for their contributions, and celebrate their achievements and successes. By providing feedback and recognition, you can reinforce positive behaviors and outcomes, and strengthen your relationship with providers.
Tiago Alves
CEO Brazil @ Regus & Spaces / Brand Ambassator - Audi / Forbes live Anchor / Book: Neither Home Nor Office
Na minha carreira corporativa, aprendi a regra de ouro do feedback construtivo: Feedback ruim se dá em privado e elogio ou reconhecimento se faz em público, ambos em frequência e cadencia periódicas constantes.. Gestores infelizmente celebram conquistas e reforçam mal comportamento geralmente no mesmo fórum, o que não é bom e tão pouco ajuda de maneira construtiva.
Fernanda Bigolin
Healthcare Interoperability Architect | PhD, Information Systems and Technologies | High Reliability Organization (HRO) | Organizational Mindfulness
Feedback is very important, for both sides. It is the opportunity that professionals have to correct mistakes and improve their treatment of them. With this comes professional growth and the best results for the organization.
The fifth step to engaging providers in care coordination is to address barriers and challenges that may arise. This means anticipating and preventing potential problems, such as lack of resources, conflicting policies, or incompatible systems. You should also be flexible and adaptable to changing circumstances, and seek to resolve any issues or disputes in a respectful and constructive manner. By addressing barriers and challenges, you can ensure continuity and quality of care, and maintain trust and rapport with providers.
Tiago Alves
CEO Brazil @ Regus & Spaces / Brand Ambassator - Audi / Forbes live Anchor / Book: Neither Home Nor Office
Um líder de equipe ou de uma empresa deve estar preparado para o pior cenário, mas nunca trabalhar com ele, e sim buscar a visão otimista. Estar preparado para desafios não significa que você deve busca-los. Em minha carreira vi muitas empresas morrerem por resolverem problemas que não existiam ou vender para clientes que não tinham o problema. Por isso da importância em ter uma visão estratégica clara de objetivos, sabendo que o curso pode ter entrecalços, mas focando em maximizar os pontos positivos que pode extrair desse caminho.
Regina Helena M.
Orientação ao propósito do meu cliente - Gestora de Conflitos, Mediadora , KCP/KMP/CXP
Ser capaz de ter um olhar dedicado ao que precisa ser resolvido, e evitar a personalização do indivíduo, é fundamental, para que todos olhem para aquilo que é importante a ser resolvido e não para a "razão". A empatia, a capacidade de colocar-se no lugar do outro, ter uma visão abrangente do todo, fazem total diferença.
The sixth step to engaging providers in care coordination is to promote learning and improvement among them. This means creating opportunities for feedback, reflection, and evaluation, and involving them in decision-making and planning. You should also encourage them to share their experiences, insights, and suggestions, and to learn from each other. By promoting learning and improvement, you can foster a culture of collaboration and innovation, and enhance the effectiveness and efficiency of care coordination.
Regina Helena M.
Orientação ao propósito do meu cliente - Gestora de Conflitos, Mediadora , KCP/KMP/CXP
Uma aprendizagem e aperfeiçoamento absolutamente necessários é a gestão de conflitos. O conflito pode ser diminuido se essa competência for incluída em qualquert modelo de gestão, porque tanto os princípios da negociação, da conciliação e da mediação podem se fazer necessários, dependento do contexto da gestão.
Fernanda Bigolin
Healthcare Interoperability Architect | PhD, Information Systems and Technologies | High Reliability Organization (HRO) | Organizational Mindfulness
Creating an organizational culture that fosters engagement has great benefits for both the organization and employees. According to the principles of the High Reliability Organization (HRO), this engagement is top-down.